Friday, 26 August 2016

Social Experiment Video

Fare Evasion - Rich vs. homeless

   I Cut My Sleep To 5 Hours Using This Weird Method

  What Would You Do With A Lost Wallet?

 The Dangers Of Social Media (Child Predator Social Experiment) Girl Edition!

I choose this video for my assignment 3 because I think this social experiment video bring out the awareness of the dangers of social media. Bad thing could happened to these girl if this is not a social experiment video but a real scenario!

Thursday, 25 August 2016

Final Layout

Artist Statement

This layout is an outline of a tree with bird flying away from it. The tree is the home for the bird and the bird fly away from the tree to seek for freedom. The green alphabet represent the leaf and also the bird. Green is a color of nature and it also represent freedom. The alphabet 'Y' represent the tree trunks so it's brown in color. Brown is the color of earth and it also represent home. The background is black because black is a color that represent mystery. The bird flew away from their home and get into the outside world, the path that they will face outside will be a complete mystery and they have to go through it no matter its good or bad. That's what I want to express through this artwork... FREEDOM.

Sunday, 21 August 2016

Artist Statement

This layout is an outline of a tree with bird flying away from it. The tree is the home for the bird and the bird fly away from the tree to seek for freedom. The green alphabet represent the leaf and also the bird. Green is a color of nature and it also represent freedom. The alphabet 'Y' represent the tree trunks so it's brown in color. Brown is the color of earth and it also represent home. The background is black because black is a color that represent mystery. The bird flew away from their home and get into the outside world, the path that they will face outside will be a complete mystery and they have to go through it no matter its good or bad. That's what I want to express through this artwork... FREEDOM.

Final Layout

After consultation with my lecturer, they asked me to continue my design with this layout to further improvise it.

This is the finalize layout. I changed the font into Trajan Pro and i arranged it from large font to smaller font in order to create a scene as if the alphabet was flying away. The reason I choose this font is that the font look very strong like a tree, and the alphabet 'Y' for this font really look like a tree trunks. This alphabet is the first thing that caught my attention and I decided to create this layout using this font.

Sunday, 14 August 2016

Typography Art

This is inspired by the Attack on Titan survey corps logo that I had posted in the previous post. I arranged it like this to get a structure of wings. I used this typeface because it is look simple and easier to construct the wings.

Typeface : Lithios Pro

The 2nd layout was inspired by this image. Birds flying away from the tree brings the meaning of freedom without being restricted, they fly to any place they want. I used this typeface because of the cursive look like the wings for the bird to fly away. It also had the meaning of freedom.

Typeface: Lucida Handwriting Itallic

The 3rd layout was an idea suggested by my friend. Those alphabet in the middle represent the cage and the alphabet outside represent freedom outside the cage as they are placed uneven and scatter around. These alphabet F,R,E,D,O,M are larger in size compared to others in order to indicate the word FREEDOM. I used this typeface because it look very strong and solid which is suitable to construct the cage. 

Typeface: Rockwell Extra Bold

Typography Art

Cursive fonts that bring meaning of freedom 

A bird made out of alphabet

Attack on Titan 's survey corps logo made out of multiple typeface.
 It's a pair of wings that represent freedom

Tuesday, 2 August 2016

Artist Statement

 Bird is the object that I chose to represent myself because it is the most suitable idea to show how I feel and the image of my life. Most birds are free, flying in the sky and go wherever they want to go. However, there are also bird who are lock up in a cage and don't have freedom. Its just like the situation i faced, I don't have that much freedom. I used the concept of birdcage to show the lack of freedom. I made this birdcage by using a book and fold it page by page until it form a birdcage shape, then I attached a black card board at the back to make it look like a frame. I drew chains at the both side of the frame to show the feeling of without freedom and getting bind. The partially shown feather is to represent a bird that are desperately wanting to come out from the cage and get freedom.