Sunday, 31 July 2016

Video Art

Final Artwork

So i did this artwork by using a book. I fold it page by page and the end product become a bird cage like art work. I added a black card board at the back of the bird cage to make it looks like a frame. I drew some chain at the both side of the bird cage to show how restricted it feels being inside the cage, like being bind and don't have freedom. The purple feather represent the bird. Purple color shows sadness of the bird because its locked inside the cage and doesn't have freedom. I let most of the feather visible to show that it is trying to get out of the cage, to gain FREEDOM.

Artwork prototype

This is the first artwork that i did to represent bird. So there are 2 background, one is a background of blue sky and another is the background of a cage. These 2 background is to represent freedom and without freedom.

I fold 2 bird origami with 2 different color. The dark blue bird is for the cage background and the pink bird is for the blue sky background. The reason why i chose dark blue to fold this bird because dark blue represent sad and unhappy, so it describe the feeling of the bird that are in the cage. On the other hand,pink color bird is for the blue sky background. Pink color can represent happy so I chose this color to point out the happiness by having freedom.

Saturday, 30 July 2016

Research for my artwork

These are the concept that I found on the internet :

Bird cage wall decoration

Liked this idea but need good skill to model it with wireframe.

Bird cage with a stickman

I plan to build a cage and put a stickman inside instead of using bird to bring out my concept

Bird shadow art

This is one of the idea that I liked the most, I tired to made my own version but I failed. But it give me idea to do my video art by using shadow.

Origami bird cage

Finally I decided to do my artwork based on this concept. I think it is a very way creative to build a bird cage out of a book.

Saturday, 16 July 2016

The final object that I choose to represent myself is a bird. Birds are animals that represent freedom as they can fly anywhere without boundaries. But there are also bird that are trapped inside a cage and had no freedom. I think its kinda describe what I am going through because my parents are strict and there are a lot of things that i couldn't do. Unlike others they don't have that much restriction from their parents, they have more freedom in terms of going out or do anything that they wanted to do. But luckily as I grow older, my parents starting to loosen up and not that strict anymore. I got my freedom and able to make decision for myself.


Friday, 15 July 2016

The third sketch i chose to draw coffee. I am a person who love coffee and its kinda represent my life.  Coffee can be bitter or sweet depends on how much sugar you add into it. Just like our daily life, sugar is like the effort you put. The more effort you put in, the greater the success you get. Your life won't be bitter.


Thursday, 14 July 2016


The second sketch is leaf. I choose leaf because there are a time where i have no direction at all in my life. There are no goal or milestone in my life to achieve, just like a leaf flew everywhere according to the wind.



One of the object that I think its suit to describe me because water change shape according to the container it was poured into. I am a easygoing person, I can blend in with different kind of people without having any problem. Just like how water change shape when poured into different shape of container without any problem.
